LampizatOr- Amber-3 Manual
MAC OS operation of USB output:
MAC OS dos not require any driver installation. Somehow miraculously the MAC
computer knows how to handle all USB devices. Microsoft, even 15 years later, still
cant figure out how to do it. They are probably still scratching their heads.
After plugging the DAC by the USB cable and turning it on, within 3 seconds the device
should show up on the MAC.
Note: the device will be described as Lampizator DAC.
To verify what is going on, please go to the “apple sign” in top left corner of the screen
and choose PREFERENCES and then the loudspeaker icon - SOUND.
Above: on that list the Lampi should appear under INTERNAL SPEAKERS.
Next thing to check is MIDI SETTINGS of the MAC computer. We go to the top right corner
of the screen and press SPOTLIGHT (Loupe):
We type in the search line MIDI SETUP and -> enter.
In the MIDI setup we can choose frequencies of sampling we use for the USB output. We
don’t think that the higher the better but your own test should confirm that.
WARNING. After the first connection to the MAC - it will connect automatically in 780
kHz mode which is too high. Please take it down to 44,1k and after that any other
frequency of files will be activated automatically. The DAC may be silent before you
do that.