Installation and operation manual BM mini
Starting of operation without given values
1. Remove protection cap / or thermostatic head / or electric drive from the
BM mini (see page 14, picture 1).
. Increase the supply temperature from the radiator-/boiler circuit to the
designed value (normally 55-60°C).
3. To perform the adjustment check, the room temperature has to be
at least 0°C. If it is not, the system has to be run until the temperature
4. Check the floor heating supply temperature. It should be about 35-40°C.
If it is too high, the flow from the primary supply has to be adjusted
(reduced), see page 14 picture 3.
The BM mini will be delivered from factory with fully opened mixing
valve. We recommend an adjustment in small steps (1/ turn). After
each adjustment the floor heating supply temperature should be
checked after an appropriate waiting period.
Hydraulic connection of one-pipe systems
This pipe system is not longer standard. Connection scheme on request.