Installation and operation manual BM mini
• Ensure that the pre-pressure to the BM mini from the radiator-/vessel
circuit is minimum 10 kPa (1 m).
• Before running the BM mini please check, that the floor heating system
is filled, completely vented, and proved against leakage.
• Since the circulation pump might create under certain circumstances
some flow noise, the BMmini should be placed away from noise
sensitive areas (i.e. sleeping rooms).
• The water temperature in the supply radiator-/boiler circuit should be at
least 10 K higher than in the floor heating supply.
• The maximum length of each pipe must not be longer
than 100 m for
floor heating design with spread of 10 K when using pipes 12 mm i.d.
(i.e. pipe 16x). Smaller diameter pipe results in a shorter pipe length.
BM mini KF:
Assemble the thermostatic head and mount the
sensor in an appropriate position in the room and
about 1,7 m above the floor. Use a vacant pipe if
BM mini RT:
Wiring of the electrical actuator and the room
BM mini KR:
only by a qualified electrician.
Hydraulic connection of two-pipe systems
Bypass valve closed.
Allen key ,5mm.