Dake Corporation
1809 Industrial Park Dr
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Possible Cause
Possible Solution
Machine does not
start, or
power supply
immediately trips
after startup.
1. E-Stop cover depressed/at fault
2. Incorrect power supply voltage or
circuit size.
3. Plug/receptacle at fault/wired
4. Power supply circuit breaker
tripped or fuse blown.
5. Motor wires connected incorrectly
6. Wiring broken, disconnected or
7. ON/OFF switch at fault
8. Motor or motor bearings at fault
1. Remove E-Stop over to reset. Replace
if at fault.
2. Ensure correct power supply voltage
and circuit.
3. Test for good contacts/correct wiring.
4. Ensure circuit is free of shorts. Reset
circuit breaker or replace fuse.
5. Correct motor wiring connections
6. Fix broken wires or
7. Replace switch
8. Replace motor
Machine stalls or
is underpowered.
1. Excessive feed pressure applied
2. Wrong workpiece material (metal)
3. Motor wires connected incorrectly
4. Plug/receptacle at fault/wired
5. Machine undersized for task
6. Motor overheated
7. Extension cord too long
8. Motor or motor bearings at fault
1. Clean belt and reduce workpiece
2. Use correct size/type of metal
3. Correct motor wiring connections
4. Test for good contacts/correct wiring.
5. Clean/replace belt, reduce feed
rate/grinding depth
6. Clean motor, let cool, and reduce
7. Move machine closer to power supply,
use shorter extension cord.
8. Replace motor
Machine has
vibration or noisy
1. Belt not tracking correctly
2. Motor or component loose
3. Motor mount loose/broken
4. Motor fan rubbing on fan cover
5. Motor bearings at fault
1. Ensure belt is tracking correctly
2. Replace damaged or missing
bolts/nuts or tighten if loose
3. Tighten/replace
4. Fix/replace fan cover, replace
loose/damaged fan
5. Test by rotating shaft, rotational
grinding/loose shaft requires bearing
Machine vibrates
excessively (non-
motor related).
1. Incorrect grinding belt tension
2. Broken/defective belt
3. Drive wheel cap screw missing or
1. Make sure tension is locked in
tensioning position
2. Replace belt
3. Replace or tighten screw
Grinding belt
slaps or vibrates
1. Incorrect grinding belt tension
2. Belt tracking not set correctly
3. Broken/defective belt
4. Contact or drive wheel loose
1. Make sure tension is locked in
tensioning position
2. Ensure grinding belt is set correctly
3. Replace belt
4. Tighten contact or drive wheel
Grains easily rub
off belt.
1. Belt has been stored in damp
2. Belt has been smashed or folded
3. Belt is too old
1. Replace belt, store replacements in
cool, dry area.
2. Replace belt, do not bend or fold belt
3. Replace with new belt