Introduction and Intended Use.
Q-CPR Training Module
is intended to
be used when training with a defibrillator
that has Q-CPR technology, such as the
Philips HeartStart MRx.
The Q-CPR Training Module is not a stand
alone product, and must be used together
with one of the Resusci Anne CPR-D
manikins (199-00050, 199-05050, 320025
or 320055).
The Q-CPR Training Module will provide
the defibrillator with ECG and ventilation
Connections and Use.
- Connect the cable of the Q-CPR Training
Module to the SkillReporter connector
on the Resusci Anne manikin
(as shown in figure 1).
be sure to match the shape of the
plug with the shape of the manikin’s
connector opening when inserting the plug
into the manikin
- If you want to use the SkillReporter
printer, insert it directly into the
SkillReporter connector on the Q-CPR
Training Module (as shown in figure 2).
As an alternative you may connect a PC
with the Laerdal PC SkillReporting soft-
ware to the Q-CPR Training Module via
the manikin-to-PC interface cable sold
separately (cat. no. 315951).
- Connect the Micro-HeartSim to the
Manikin (as shown in figure 2). Refer to
the manikin’s directions for use for
additional Micro-HeartSim connection
and functional details.
- When appropriate, connect the patient
cable of the defibrillator to the Q-CPR
Training Module patient connector
(as shown in figure 2).
Compression data to the defibrillator is sent
via the CPR sensor as it would be in a pati-
ent situation.The CPR compression sensor
must therefore be used on the manikin.
Turn on the system from the Resusci Anne
manikin (as shown in figure 1 “On/Off ”
switch) or the SkillReporter printer or the
Micro-HeartSim. All connected devices will
turn the system “On” and “Off ” regardless
of where the On/Off function is performed.
To verify that the system is properly turned
on a green light should illuminate on the
Q-CPR Training Module.The light will
become steady when communication with
the manikin is etsablished.
A flashing light or a red light indicates an
error and means that all connections should
be checked. An error could mean that the
manikin’s batteries are low and should be
replaced. Refer to the manikins directions
for use for details on changing the batteries.
After the system has been turned on, the
Q-CPR Training Module will generate a VF
ECG rhythm. Other rhythms, including user
selected waiting rhythms, can be controlled
by the Micro-HeartSim device.
The Q-CPR Training Module can be given
figure 1
HeartStart MRx
with Q-CPR
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