LaCie Professional Server
5big Enclosure: Disk Install
Technical Brief: RAID
page 10
3.6. 5big Enclosure Numbered Slots
and Disk Trays
For convenience when adding or removing disks, the 5big enclosure
drive slots and trays have matching numbers (
Fig. 09
The order of disks in the 5big enclosure can
be important. LaCie recommends inserting new drives in the order
of the numbered slots, from left to right. For example, if the first slot
on the left (Slot 1) contains the sole drive in the enclosure, choose
the second slot from the left (Slot 2) for the next drive.
3.7. Insert a Disk
7. Make certain that the replacement or new drive is securely fas-
tened to a drive tray. See
3.5. Fastening a non-LaCie Hard Disk
to the 5big Enclosure Drive Tray
if you are adding a non-LaCie
8. Carefully insert the drive tray into the empty drive slot. You will
feel resistance when the drive tray is most of the way in the bay.
Gently push the drive tray handle firmly until you feel the drive
snap into place. The drive tray handle should be flush with the
back of the 5big enclosure.
9. Use the drive lock tool to lock the drive in place.
10. Please read
4. Disk Numbering
before configuring the 5big
Storage Server RAID. To begin configuring the RAID go to:
Five Disk Server:
5. RAID - Five Disk Server
Four Disk Server:
8. RAID - Four Disk Server
Three Disk Server:
7. RAID - Three Disk Server
Two Disk Server:
6. RAID - Two Disk Server
Fig. 09