background image























scanners & digital camera

• Display (mntr) profi les – for monitors
•  Output (prtr) profi les – for printers & video 


The second category gathers profi les designed for 
special purposes:

•  Device Link (link) profi les used for specifi c direct 

connection of devices

•  Color space conversion (spac) profi les used for 

conversion between color spaces

•  Named color (nmcl) profi les used for specifi c spot 

colors such as Pantone 

• Abstract (abst) profi les for abstract spaces


All device profi les (except scanner profi les, which 
only support conversion from device to PCS) are 
bidirectional: they gather information to convert from 
device to PCS and vice versa. 

Each profi le contains multiple tables referred to as 
“tags”. AtoB tags translate from the device space to 
the PCS; BtoA tags translate from the PCS (L*a*b* or 
XYZ) to the device space. There is a pair of AtoB and 
BtoA tags for each rendering intent. These are used 
by the CMM to set up correspondence between any 
compatible ICC profi les. As a complete RGB table 
has more than 16 million rows, a profi le containing 
them all would be too large (several megabytes). 
Therefore, the CMM performs an interpolation of the 

Device profi le information can be gathered in two ways:

•  Using algorithms based on matrices and 

linearization curves called Matrix Profi les

•  Using lookup tables called LUT Profi les 

(or Table Profi les)

ICC profi les, apart from abstract (abst) and device 
link profi les (link), can be embedded into images 
and saved in most image fi le formats (EPS, TIFF, GIF, 
etc…) to be easily used in the color management 
workfl ow.  

4. Rendering Intent

 refers to the way the CMM 

(Color Management Module) handles out-of-gamut 
colors during a conversion from one color space to 

The ICC specifi cation defi nes four different rendering 
intents: Perceptual, Relative Colorimetric, Saturation 
and Absolute Colorimetric. 

Because each device can reproduce a certain range 
of colors, a specifi c gamut is described in its ICC 
profi le. When printing a document displayed on a 
monitor, for instance, the gamut of the original fi le 
(source) has to fi t to the color space of the output 
device or printer (destination). The rendering intent 
determines how the CMM will translate colors from 
one device to another. It is based on the concept of 
Gamut Mapping.  

There are two main techniques for mapping out of 
gamut colors:

•  Gamut compression compresses the range of colors 

that are out-of-gamut into the destination gamut 

•  Gamut clipping maps all out-of-gamut source 

colors to the closest colors within the destination


The International Color Consortium (ICC) defi nes an 
open standard for a Color Matching Module (CMM) 
at the operating system level and color profi les (ICC 
profi les) for devices and working spaces. Operating 
systems provide a built-in framework—Apple 
ColorSync on Mac or ICM (Image Color Management) 
on Windows—for implementing and handling these 
device profi les. Color measurement instruments are 
used with CMS and CMS-supported software to 
gather important data included in device profi les and 
to periodically monitor and adjust device performance.

The Color Management System as defi ned by the 
ICC is based on four main elements: 

1. A Color Matching Module 
2. A Profi le Connection Space
3. Color Profi les 
4. A Rendering Intent

1. A Color Matching Module (CMM)

 is a software 

engine embedded in a graphic application’s 
software, operating system, and hardware driver. The 
CMM addresses tables within profi les—describing 
how conversion should occur.Depending on the OS 
and software used, several CMMs are available. 
Adobe, Apple, Kodak, Heidelberg and other 
manufacturers provide their own CMMs. This is 
due to the fact that ICC is an open standard, which 
explains why the same transformation can produce 
different results if carried out by two different CMMs.

2. A Profi le Connection Space (PCS)

 is the device-

independent standard reference space into or out of 
which color data is transformed. It is either L*a*b* 
or CIE XYZ, and is the universal translator—allowing 
color space conversion to be carried out from source 
to destination color spaces. AtoB and BtoA tags 
(tables) contained in the profi les are used in a PCS to 
translate source into destination.

3. Color Profi les (ICC Profi les)

 are small digital fi les 

containing a description of how a particular device 
reproduces color. They also describe the device’s 
color space to the color management system. Profi les 
are obtained by performing calibration and profi ling 
with ICC-compatible tools (such as LaCie blue eye 
pro). They also contain other information, such as 
the preferred CMM, the preferred rendering intent, 
the PCS used and the version. Multiple tables used 
for color translation processes are also embedded in 
the profi les.

The ICC recommends 7 different types of profi les, 
which are classifi ed into 2 categories.

 The fi rst category contains the device profi les:
•  Input (scnr) profi les – specially designed for 

As mentioned in preceding LaCie White Papers, the wide variety of imaging devices available today 
makes it very diffi cult for a document created on one device to be rendered correctly on another. 
The use of an effi cient Color Management System (CMS) is the most accurate answer to this problem.



Gamut Mappings methods compared

Two Color Management Policies

Above: Without CMS; Below: With CMS
