Chapter 4 - Testing Your Blood Glucose Level
Measurement range
MeasureMenT ranGe
Your meter measures blood glucose results in the range of 10 mg/dL to 600 mg/
dL (0.6-33.3 mmol/L). Results that are outside of this range should be reviewed
according to the procedure below.
If your test result is lower than 10 mg/dL (0.6 mmol/L),”
” is displayed
instead of a result.
LOW may indicate that your blood glucose is very low (possibly severe
hypoglycemia). Follow your doctor’s instructions immediately and
repeat the test.
If the result is higher than 600 mg/dL (33.3 mmol/L), “
” is displayed
instead of a result.
If your blood glucose test results in a LOW or HIGH message, repeat the blood
glucose test following all of the instructions provided in
Step Four - Testing Your
Blood Glucose on page 35
If your blood glucose test results in a LOW or HIGH message a second time,
follow the protocol established by your health care professional or contact your
healthcare provider immediately.
Please note that the exact blood glucose reading that constitutes a HIGH or
LOW reading depends on many factors, including individual differences, and the
time since your last meal.
FaCTors ThaT MaY Lead To inaCCuraTe resuLTs
Certain medications, food supplements, medical treatments and health conditions
can interfere with the blood glucose system and cause inaccurate results.
Incorrect testing technique or improper storage or handling of the Dario™ may also
lead to implausible test results which don’t match the way you feel. These include:
Your hands may not have been washed thoroughly
Your glucose meter test strip port may be contaminated.
Your test strip has been bent.
The test strip is expired. Check the “use by” date.
The length of time that has passed since first opening the test strip package
exceeds the allowed time.