BA_078_en_10.01 Level transmitter PASCAL Ci4 LEVEL
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Teaching-in the height offset
You can also teach-in the height offset on
the tank. A basic requirement is that the
density is correctly set and the tank is filled
to level zero with sufficient accuracy.
The device calculates the height offset (dis-
tance from pressure zero to level zero) from
the current pressure and the density en-
tered and suggests that value for the height
Figure 20: Teaching-in the height offset
"Tank shape" submenue
Parameterise and manage the tank shape table that is used to calculate the volume from
the fill height in the "Tank shape" submenue.
The tank shape pairs serve as control points of a tank shape curve. The volume is interpo-
lated linearly between the tank shape pairs. The volume value is extrapolated from the last
straight line above the last control point.
Menue item
View / change
View / change the tank shape
Teach-in the tank shape
Select units for the height and volume
Switch on/off
Activate or deactivate the tank shape
Delete a control point
Delete a control point from the tank shape table
Delete a tank shape
Delete the entire tank shape table
Table 11: "Density" submenue
Enter or teach-in the tank shape
A basic requirement for the correct recording of the tank shape is the correct parameteri-
sation of the density and height offset.
Entering and teaching-in the tank shape can be combined as required. For example, you
can teach-in the torispherical head of a tank and enter the cylindrical part of the tank by
adding control points manually.
It is mandatory that the fill height 0 m corresponds to the volume 0 m
(or in other units).
Therefore, make sure that you add a 0/0 point when you enter the tank shape manually.
Otherwise, the volume values may be shifted in an undesired manner when switching on
the tank shape to achieve a 0/0 point (see below).
You can select any fill ratio at the start of the teach-in process. You don't have to start with
the teach-in process at the height of the pressure zero or the height of the level zero.
You can teach-in the tank shape by filling or emptying. Enter the volume filled into or re-
moved from the tank during the teach-in process. This volume, together with the measured
fill height, is stored as a control point of the tank shape table.
It makes sense to start the teach-in process by entering a volume of zero m
(or in other
units). Enter the volume filled since the start for each control point when teaching-in by
filling. Enter the volume removed since the start with a negative sign when teaching-in by