Dolby Lake Controller User Manual PLM Edition Addendum
5.7 Global Control Tab
The Global Control tab is the first of two tabs available
in the Amplifier Global View.
Amplifier Global View is accessed from the
All tab. Tap the Amplifier Menu button (F9),
then tap the Lab.gruppen info button in the
button bar (F8).
5.7.1 Global power Control
These two buttons (On and Standby) control the power
status of all PLM Frames within the system that are
active in the DLC PLM Edition software’s work area.
For safety reasons confirmation is required prior to
changing power status. Status indicators to the right
of the buttons show the total number of PLMs that are
in On, Standby and Offline modes respectively.
5.7.2 Global Temperature
The current ambient temperature (the temperature of
the air surrounding the cabinets) may be entered on
this tab. Tapping on the blue button in the
box opens a numeric keypad for the
purpose. The temperature value is then entered in the
load table on the Module Load tab and used in the load
verification and monitoring procedures as temperature
of the air surrounding the cabinets. Buttons allow
selection of temperature display in degrees Celsius
or Fahrenheit.
5.7.3 Global Loadsmart
The Global Load Control
button initiates the
system-wide load verification procedure. (All frames
within the system are verified.)
If any channel fails LoadSmart verification
or if the result is marginal, the user is
offered to the option of re-verifying those
channels individually to increase
measurement accuracy.
Figure 5.7: Global load control tab
operation 5