Dolby Lake Controller User Manual PLM Edition Addendum
through for SpeakerSafe to monitor by selecting the
“Force to configured” button. Voice Coil Temperature
The third row of the Load Results table displays the
estimated loudspeaker voice coil temperature from
the LoadSmart test results. This is calculated from the
LoadSmart verification results and Fingerprint data.
The ALL column summarises the
temperatures in the form Min/Average/Max.
Thus 20/23/25 means that the channels
being tested indicate calculated voice coil
temperatures in the range 20° C to 25° C, with an
average value of 23° C (assuming Celsius temperature
units are selected). speakersafe starting temperature
There are two options for selecting the starting voice
coil temperature for SpeakerSafe operation. The first
option is to accept the measured temperature. The
second option is to set a specific temperature. The
selection is made with via the soft buttons to the
left of the display.
The range of voice coil temperatures from minimum
to maximum is displayed to the right of the Accept
measured temperatures button. Thus, in this example,
20-25 would be displayed. If the range is acceptable
and the Accept measured temperatures button is
selected when SpeakerSafe is started, then these
results will be the starting values for SpeakerSafe
Accept measured temperatures is the default condition
for this button. Temperatures will be used unless
modified as explained below.
In some cases the user may have reason to believe
that the range of displayed voicecoil temperatures
contains one or more anomalous results, possibly as a
result of production spreads, or incorrect entry of cable
data at the LoadSmart stage. In such cases, a starting
temperature for SpeakerSafe monitoring may be
entered manually. Tapping the left-hand button in the
Set temperatures box sets the temperature currently
displayed in the right-hand button. Tapping this button
opens a numeric keypad allowing a temperature value
to be entered. A SpeakerSafe starting temperature
entered manually in this way effectively cancels out
any errors and the entered values will be stored in
the PLM for the next verification. start speakersafe
Following acceptance of the calculated voice coil
temperatures from the LoadSmart verification (or
manual entry of a value), SpeakerSafe performance
monitoring may be initiated. Press the Start
SpeakerSafe button. The status of the load on
each power output channel will now be monitored
continuously, and the results displayed on the
Status and History tabs of the DLC, and also on the
corresponding front panel screen of the PLM.
Note that SpeakerSafe will not run if a ‘Wrong’ result
was obtained in LoadSmart verification for any of the
PLM channels. The problem leading to the ‘Wrong’
result must be resolved before SpeakerSafe live
monitoring can be run.
If SpeakerSafe is not started, a warning message
will be generated. The SpeakerSafe not started
warning will be displayed in the Event Log, and the
message SPKSAFE INACT warning will be displayed
on the PLM’s front panel and in the DLC PLM Edition
software. re-verify
If there is some reason to doubt the test results, or if
there is an obvious reason for an unacceptable result
which can be quickly rectified (e.g. a cabinet not
plugged in), the load verifcation test may be re-run
by pressing the Re-verify button.
operation 5