Dolby Lake Controller User Manual PLM Edition Addendum
5.2.1 attenuation
The virtual fader permits adjustment of the channel’s
attenuation, from 0 dB (fader fully open) to - ∞dB
(fader closed). Moving this fader has the same effect
as adjusting attenuation on the PLM front panel in
Menu Mode, at
Menu > Attenuation
The attenuation value may also be set by tapping the
numeric display at the top of the fader. A numeric
keypad opens allowing an absolute value to be
5.2.2 mute
The large mute button below the meter display
activates the mute function for the power output
channel. The button changes color to red when
the mute is applied, and the legend changes
from UNMUTED to MUTE. Tapping this button is
equivalent to pressing soft buttons 5 – 8 on the
PLM’s front panel in METER mode (with MUTE
ENABLE selected).
5.2.3 phase reverse
A phase reverse button is provided which inverts the
audio signal within the channel power output stage.
The button is blue and normally shows the legend
; when applied it turns red and shows -
. Note
that this is a separate phase reversal at a later point
in the signal chain from the Dolby Lake processing
modules, and does not have an equivalent control in
either the PLM’s Menu system or elsewhere in the
DLC PLM Edition software.
5.2.4 meters
Four vertical bargraph meters are depicted for each
channel. These display output voltage (V), currrent
(I) and power (P), along with the amount of any gain
reduction being applied by the combined action of
the various limiters and protection circuitry (L). The
meters correspond to the four bargraph meters
on the PLM front panel display in METER MODE,
MODULE VIEW. Clip indicators for, respectively,
voltage and current are located directly above the
voltage and current meter. Clip behavior is shown
by a red light, using a fast update rate to correctly
indicate ballistics.
Two numerical displays are above the meter block. The
top display switches mode dynamically to show the
parameter closest to clipping at the moment: voltage
(V), current (I) or power (P). The bottom display shows
the current value of the Limiter meter.
5.2.5 speaker data block
The display block below the meter section provides
user feedback about the loudspeaker connected to
each PLM power output channel. The information
is (from top):
: The n ame shown here corresponds to
that of the Module outputs and usually describes
the frequency band (e.g. Low, Mid, High) that a
particular power output channel addresses.
If a module contains two or more identical
Module output names, the Module output
channel number is appended to each name.
This convention is followed throughout the
software application.
is displayed when all load detection
and monitoring functions report that the load
attached to the power output channel is normal. If
output conditions are such that a fault or warning
state arises, a message will be displayed here
advising the nature of the problem. See PLM
Series Operation Manual, section 11.1 for a list
of fault/warning messages.
: During SpeakerSafe monitoring, the
software application calculates the number of
speaker cabinets of the selected type which
appear to be connected to the channel output.
The result is displayed here.
: This indicates the calculated loudspeaker
voice coil temperature, derived from channel
output power measurement and Fingerprint
: This shows the calculated loudspeaker
magnet temperature, derived and displayed in
the same way.
: Whichever of T
or T
is closer to the
maximum temperature allowed is also displayed
on a horizontal bargraph.
5.2.6 amplifier data block
The bottom display block provides user feedback
operation 5