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lamp will light and the display will indicate "0004." If this occurs, the unit will not autostart. The on/off switch
will have to be turned off to reset the lights and turned back on to initiate the autostart mode.
After starting, the SCR immediately activates the 12 hour override timer. This timer is independent of battery
conditions and overrides all other timing functions. The override timer will terminate the charge in the event
that the rate control or the 80% timing control does not terminate the charge before the maximum time limit of
12 hours is reached.
If the AC input line fails during the charge cycle, all internal time registers will hold their count until the power
returns. The "FAILURE" lamp will light if this condition is reached. The charge cycle will then resume from
where it left off and the failure light will turn off.
A high DC voltage feature is incorporated in the charge control system. If an unusually high voltage condition
as a result of a charger malfunction, the high voltage feature will terminate the charge cycle and turn on the
"FAILURE" light. A "0005" will indicate on the digital display. In this mode the charger will not restart again
unless the on/off switch is toggled to the "OFF" and then to the "ON" position. If the high voltage failure still
exists the charger will again turn off.
At this point, a factory service representative should be
The LaMarche Model A75M charger is designed to operate on a specific type of battery with a specified number
of cells. The nameplate on the charger indicates the type and number of cells required. When connecting the
DC output cables to the battery, be certain the positive terminal of the charger is connected to the positive
battery terminal, and the negative terminal is connected to the negative of the battery. A grounding
connection is also provided for complete protection. Once properly installed, the unit should automatically
complete its charge cycle every time it is connected to a discharged battery. Install the unit so that the flow of
air through the ventilators is vertical and not obstructed.
A terminal block is provided within the unit for the AC input connections. Before connecting the AC input cable,
check the line power with that specified on the nameplate of the unit. Units with multiple AC input units have
taps inside, which must be set for the proper AC setting. (See tap card inside door (BELOW)) The AC input
current specified on the nameplate is for rated output.
CT H2 (B) H1 (B)
PT 2 (A)
3 (A)
Input AC breakers must be sized for the overload or current limiting point of the charger, which is 105% of the
rated nameplate value.
After the installation has been completed, the Model A75M is ready for operation. Be sure that the battery
charger is of the correct type for the battery that is to be charged. Select DC output current setting with the
"C" jumper to HIGH, MED, or LOW on the terminal block. (See A75M OUTPUT CURRENTS TABLE)
To operate the charger, it is only necessary to place the on/off switch in the "ON" position and connect a
battery. With the on/off switch in the "ON" position and prior to the battery connection, all of the LED
s on the
front panel will flash until a battery is connected. This is the lamp test mode. When the battery is connected,
the "ON CHARGE" lamp will light and the digital display will indicate a slow increase in output current. The
charger will automatically start to charge the battery at some rate up to its maximum capacity depending upon
the state of charge of the battery.