Model FA5000
Rev. 02 Page 24
July 21/17
Description and Operation
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tions, the CVR Fault Line provides continuous status of CVR operation. It may be con-
nected to an annunciator or to an aircraft central maintenance computer.
At start
up, the CVR initiates a built-in-test (BIT) function and then continuously monitors
itself for fault conditions.
The CVR has a back
up optional power source in case of loss of the 28vdc power . The
Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS) provides 10 minutes of 28 vdc power to the
CVR when the main power supply fails.
RIPS can either be external to the CVR or inter-
nal by it mounting directly to the CVR.
Some configurations of the FA5000CVR have On board Maintenance System (OMS) and
Data Link Interface that includes RIPS monitoring status. The FA5000CVR includes an
ARINC 429, high speed, On board Maintenance System (OMS) output interface. Datalink
was developed specifically to satisfy recent requirements for Controller Pilot Datalink
Communications (CPDLC or datalink) recording in addition to the two hour audio record-
ing capability.
G. Underwater Locator Beacon (ULB)
The Model FA5000 CVR has an underwater locator beacon mount located on its front
panel which also acts as the recorder’s carrying handle. The ULB mount will accept ei-
ther a 30
day or a 90
day underwater locator beacon. The ULB meets or exceeds the
requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration technical standard order TSO-
C121 for 30
day beacons, or TSO
C121b for 90
day beacons.
C121 was revoked as of March 1, 2015. The manufacture of 30
day beacons
in accordance with TSO
C121 is now prohibited. 30
day beacons already in service
may still be used, and a kit is available for battery replacement. A 90
day beacon con-
version kit is also available for the retrofit of a 90 day beacon to an existing recorder. All
new recorder production will incorporate the 90
day underwater locator beacon.
The beacon is located on the front panel for ease of reading the battery replacement
date and for quick removal and replacement of the beacon. The ULB is equipped
with a battery that has an expected life of six years for the 30-day ULB and seven
years for the 90
day ULB. The ULB requires cleaning and functional testing every
months. The batteries in the beacons are field serviceable and may be ordered
from L
The ULB is covered in more detail in the 90-Day Underwater Locator Beacon CMM,
L-3 P/N: 165E5542-00 and the Underwater Locator Beacon Installation and Opera-
tion manual, L-3 P/N: 165E5542-10.
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