Manufacturerʼs Note
Be sure not to drop or add shock to the manikin
and its components, since the product uses
special resins and heavy, such shock may cause
damage to the products or environment.
Handle the manikin and the components
with care.
Never use organic solvent like paint
thinner to clean the skin, as this will
damage the simulator.
● Use clear water for training.
Do not use real antiseptic or medicine as it may
stain intraoral cavity and absorbed color will
become irremovable.
Do not let ink from pens, newspapers,
this manual or other sources contact with
the manikin, as they cannot be cleaned off
the manikin skin.
Storage in a dark, cool and dry space will
help prevent the skin colors from fading
and product from deforming
Constituent in the simulated residue may
At times some constituent in the simulated residue,
such as alcohol may be observed, though this does
not affect the quality and performance of the
The manikin skin may be cleaned with
a wet cloth if necessary, using mildly
soapy water or diluted detergent.
Even if color on its surface might be
changed across the ages, this does not
affect the quality of its performance.
MW29 Oral Care Simulator Advanced is designed for training of health care
professionals to acquire skills in taking care of patientsʼ oral hygiene.
Usage for any other purpose or the way of use not described in this manual is
strongly discouraged.
-Anatomically correct oral cavity, trachea, esophagus and replaceable dentures,
-Two variations of dentures: normal (healthy) and teeth with disease
-A variety of patient positioning
-Training with real water
DOs and DONʼTs