Chapter 7 - Analyzer Mode
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Figure 7-11 Analyzer: Reference level = 75 dBµV; attenuation
= 0 dB →
Operation with optional Cluster-Switch SW 024
For the analyzer operation of AMA 310/UMS in combination with the optionally available cluster
switch SW 024 basically all contexts as they have been described in "Chapter 7 - Analyzer Mode"
are equally valid.
When switching the system on, the sequence described in "Chapter 4.6 - Switch-On" has to be
More detailed information regarding the RF Switch SW 024 can be taken from the relevant
operating instructions as well as from the Application-Note "AN006
Differences in the display are only given in the graphics display where in the blue line at the bottom
of the display now the configurable alias name of the selected switch input is additionally shown
between the band edge frequencies of the spectrum.
After activating the analyzer with the switch connected, the spectrum of the summary path is shown
as a standard (see also operating instructions of SW 024), this will be illustrated via the expression
"Summary Path" in the graphics display (see the following figure). The noise floor in this
representation is higher than in the measurement without switch or a selective path of SW 024, as
here the noise of all 24 input channels is added up at the RF input of the AMA 310/UM.
Can be found on the KWS homepage:
→ SUPPORT → Application Notes