Chapter 6 - Measuring Mode UMS (Upstream-Monitoring-System)
AMA 310/UMS V21.0
Figure 6-1 Graphics screen content after starting the UMS measuring mode
Now the LC display shows the following information:
Figure 6-2 Start display of the LC display after starting the UMS (TS output via IP)
The state "Idle" means that no field instrument is performing an exclusive measurement at the
moment, i.e. at the moment the headend AMA 310/UMS is not exclusively available for any field
instrument VAROS 107. In this state, each field instrument can require a measurement from the
headend. Status reports apart from "Idle" can be taken from chapter "6.6 - Displays for
Measurements in Connection with the Field Device VAROS 107").
The key
(Cancel) terminates the UMS operation and puts the instrument back into the
basic state.
If the back-side Ethernet interface in the UMS settings is chosen as transport stream output (see
Chapter - TS Output) there is also a status message as regards this interface in the LC
display as can be seen above. In case of a not successful IP link, the following is shown:
Figure 6-3 Start display in the LC display after starting the UMS (missing IP link)
If the back-side ASI interface in the UMS settings is chosen as transport stream output (see
Chapter - TS Output) the connectivity status display is missing completely and the following
display results: