Kvaser Memorator Pro 5xHS User’s Guide
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In this section you will find technical information about the Kvaser Memorator Pro
5xHS and its connectors.
Definitions of LED states and colors
A Kvaser device has two basic types of LEDs; Power and Traffic. These are dual
colored as shown in Table 2. A device with multiple CAN channels has one Traffic
LED for each CAN channel. When the device has more than one channel a space
and digit is added on the label, CAN 1, CAN 2 etc. The red Traffic LEDs are also
used to indicate errors by using all red Traffic LEDs simultaneously.
Table 2: The different type of LEDs.
The following definitions is used to describe the state of an LED:
The LED is off and no light is emitted.
The LED is lit up during a very short time. A single flash may be hard to see
and a continuous set of flashes will look the same as On.
Slow Blink
The LED is repeatedly turned On and Off. The On and Off phase is
equal in time.
Fast Blink
The LED is repeatedly turned On and Off but with a higher frequency
than Slow Blink. The On and Off time is still equal.
The LED is constantly emitting light.
Slow Waver
This is a variant of Slow Blink but instead of being Off, a second color
is On. This is only possible with a dual colored LED.
Fast Waver
The LED is alternating between two colors as in Slow Waver but
using a higher frequency.
This means that all LEDs are lit, one at the time, in sequence with every
color available i.e. "Power green->Power yellow->Traffic 1 yellow->Traffic 1
red->Traffic 2 yellow->Traffic 2 red->. . . "
As an example, "Slow Waver (Green/Yellow)" means that the LED is slowly blinking
by alternating between green and yellow.
Kvaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden — www.kvaser.com