Tonearm tower:
Position the tonearm tower in the approximately normal tonearm position. Ensure that the
tonearm tower does not touch the platter, base, or motor tower. Position the tower so that the
VTA toothed knob is facing away from the platter and that the parts holding the measuring
guage are facing towards the front. For Kuzma tonearms the gap between platter and tower
is 5mm.
By rotating the VTA knob conterclockwise, raise the height of tonearm tower to slightly
below the top surface of the platter (10-20mm). Underneath the toothed VTA knob is a
screw for securing the VTA, to prevent this being accidentally changed ( using Allen key
1.5mm). If your tonearm tower comes with an appropriate cutout for your tonearm, measure
the distance from the spindle to the centre of the tonearm tower. When used with most of
Kuzma tonearms this should be 212 mm. The top brass armboard is removable. Armboards
with different cutouts are available. Removal or rotation of the armboard against the tonearm
tower is easily done. Just release the two side screws with Allen key 3mm. The position of
the tonearm tower in relation to the perimeter of the platter does not affect the tonearm
geometry, so the tower should be placed for convenience of use. The only critical parameter
is the distance to the platter centre.
Fig. 8-8a. Tonearm tower
Power supply PS DC:
The DC motor controller unit generates a precise sine wave output to control speed and
rotation of a three phase frequency controlled DC motor. The signal is generated by a
sophisticated computer based program. This generates a smooth undistorted sine wave with
very fine and stable speed adjustment . Each speed can be selected, finely adjusted
independently and then stored in the memory.