Resistance, and Continuity functions
Defaults at
. Press
button momentarily to select
Continuity function which is convenient for checking wiring
connections and operation of switches. A continuous beep tone
indicates a complete wire.
Using Resistance, Continuity, Diode or Capacitance function in a
live circuit will produce false results and may damage the
instrument. In many cases the suspected component must be
disconnected from the circuit to obtain an accurate measurement
DC Voltage, AC Voltage, & Hz Frequency functions
Before and after hazardous voltage measurements, test the voltage
function on a known source such as line voltage to determine
proper meter functioning.
2) DC 400.0mV range is designed with 1000M
high input
impedance for least current drain in measuring small signals, and
can cope better with most commercially available voltage output
transducers and adapters. The non-zero display reading is normal
when the meter inputs are open circuit, which will not affect actual
measurement accuracy. Open input is actually a floating condition,
which is not a zero-volt-input condition. The meter will show zero or
close to zero reading when the inputs are shorted.
1) AC 400.0mV range selection is by RANGE button manually, and
is specified from AC 10mV and up.