FXAlg #15: Finite Verb
Algorithm Reference-32
Rvb Env
The Rvb Env control selects 27 cases of envelope gains for the taps. Nine cases emulate a
normal forward evolving reverb, another nine emulate a reverb building symmetrically
to a peak at the mid point, while the last nine cases emulate a reverse-building reverb.
For each major shape, there are three variants of one, two, and three repetitions and
three variants of envelope sharpness.
Rvb Length
Sets the length (in milliseconds), from start to Þnish, of the reverberation process. This
parameter is essentially the decay time or RT
for the Rvb Env cases..R1.. where there is
only one repetition.
Early Bass, Mid Bass, and Late Bass
These bass controls shape the frequency response (boost or cut) of the three
periods of the Þnite reverb sequence. Use them to tailor the way the reverb bass content
changes with time.
Early Damp, Mid Damp, and Late Damp
These treble controls shape the frequency response (cut only) of the
three periods of the Þnite reverb sequence. Use them to tailor the way the reverb treble
content changes with time.