FXAlg #12: Panaural Room
Algorithm Reference-23
Build Env
When Build Time has been set to greater than about 80ms, Build Env begins to have an
audible inßuence on the early unfolding of the reverberation process. For lower-density
reverberation that starts cleanly and impulsively, use a setting of 0%. For the highest-
density reverberation, and for extension of the build-up period, use a setting of 50%. For
an almost reverse reverberation, set Build Env to 100%. You can think of Build Env as
setting the position of a see-saw. The left end of the see-saw represents the driving of the
reverberation at the earliest time, the pivot point as driving the reverberation at mid-
point in the time sequence, and the right end as the last signal to drive the reverberator.
At settings near 0%, the see-saw is tilted down on the right: the reverberation starts
abruptly and the drive drops with time. Near 50%, the see-saw is level and the
reverberation is repeatedly fed during the entire build time. At settings near 100%, the
see-saw is tilted down on the left, so that the reverberation is hit softly at Þrst, and then
at increasing level until the end of the build time.