Dashboard Instructions
Batter level indication
There is a five-bar batter level indicator in the dashboard. Battery level will be
indicated by the five bars that are on/off from left to right, respectively. Five bars
means battery level lies between 100%-85%, four bars means battery level lies
between 85%-70%,and so forth. The bars are off one by one as battery is consumed.
When there is only one bar left, it means the battery is exhausting. When the battery
completely runs out, all five bars will be off and the scooter will naturally stop after
freewheeling for a certain distance.
Gear indication
A five-gear indicator is provided in the dashboard. Shift gear using the
upshift/downshift buttons on the right side of dashboard. Three gear indicates the
fastest speed and first gear means slowest speed
Power switch
Power button lies between upshift and downshift buttons. Short press power button to
power the scooter on if when the scooter is in the power-off mode; press power
button for over 2s to power it off.