Dok. Nr. R60744_Index 1a
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The maximum display value is +/‐ 999 999 999.
*) For safety devices SMC2.2 and SMC1.1 with a firmware version lower 04A, these
parameters are in SMCB.1.
For the safety devices SMC2.4 and SMC1.3 an additional display is available.
This display shows the CRC checksum of the stored
parameter values in the safety device.
The DIL‐switch positions of the safety unit are:
This mode is used to reset the safety unit back to its
default values with the next power‐up. No data entry at
the SMCB.1 is possible here!
The programming unit SMCB.1 cannot be set to default values!
In order to keep the actual parameter settings safety, these can be
stored in the flash memory of the SMCB.1 unit. At first the
parameters must be transmitted from the safety unit into the SMCB.1
(see chapter 5.4). Then the parameters can be stored (see chapter