KTR Kupplungstechnik
D-48407 Rheine
Torque Measuring Shaft
Operating/Assembly instructions
49012 EN
16 of 18
Please note protection
mark ISO 16016.
Drawn: 03.09.13
KTR-N valid from 28.05.13
22.10.13 Pz
Replaced by:
4 Assembly
4.10 Technical description
Table 14:
Condition LED
Normal Operation
Error ON
Automatic Offset Correction
If an incorrect value is indicated if no torque is applied (
5,0 V), an automatic offset alignment can be effected by
pressing the button T1-Auto-Offset for 2 seconds.
For this purpose the torque is reduced to 0 and the button T1-AUTO-OFFSET must be pressed for 2 seconds.
After successful alignment the saving of the new values is confirmed by 6-fold blinking of the program - LED and
the normal measuring operation is continued automatically.
For an easy connection in control systems the Auto-Offset-Connection is accessible in the connection housing
DF2 (No. 12).
5. Calibration (Manual adjustment of amplification and offset.)
A T T E N T I O N !
The measurement shaft is delivered in calibrated state.
We recommended checking the calibration every half year.
The amplification determines the correct relationship between
the torque and the output voltage as well as the output current. It
influences the incline of the curves shown in illustration 14.1 and
14.2. The displacement of the curves in vertical direction
depends on the offset alignment.
Both parameters can be set and saved one after the other (see
illustration 22).
Illustration 22: flow of the manual setting
Instructions for a new calibration:
1. Press the T2-Program key for 2 seconds. The PROGRAM-LED will blink two times. An adjustment of the
amplification factor is possible now.
2. The measurement shaft should now be alternately loaded and unloaded by a defined weight. The difference
between the output values should be compared to the actual difference between the load and unload.
3. Through a quick press of the T1-AUTO-OFFSET key the amplification factor can be roughly varied. While a
fine variation of the amplification factor can be made using a quick press of the T2-PROGRAM key. One after
the other all of the types of amplification factors can be adjusted (see illustration 23.1).
4. If the difference of the displayed measurement values of the loading and unloading corresponds with the
outside determined torque difference, the adjustment of the amplification is finished.
5. Press the T2-PROGRAM key for 2 seconds. The PROGRAM-LED will blink 4 times. The manual setting of the
offset can start now.
6. As described under point 3 the keys can be pressed quickly to set all of the values (see illustration 23.2). If no
torque is applied the measurement shaft should be adjusted to an output voltage of 5,0 V or rather an output
current of 12,0 mA.
7. When the offset adjustment is finished, pressing the T2-PROGRAM key for two seconds will save all of the
new parameters. The PROGRAM-LED will blink one time. The measuring shaft will be in its normal operating
mode again.