Temp Sensor Select:
temperature sensor type select. Has tow types: NTC and RS485.
NTC for single and short distance. Rs485 for multiple and far
Basic Unit Numb:
power module number for actual configuration, if setting number no
the same to actual number, UPS will alarm.
Cabinet Power:
cabinet power range, the same power range of bypass.
Sleep Mode:
when load less than the software setting value, same power module will
turn to standby mode and if the load more than the setting value some
power module will turn to inverter mode after setting the sleep mode
enable. Default value is disable.
Paral Operation ID:
Parallel operation ID, must modify the ID after set work mode to
parallel mode. The value can be 1~6, default value is 1.
Cabinet Paral Basic Units:
Parallel cabinet number, must modify the tatal parallel
cabinet number after set work mode to parallel mode. The
value can be 2~6, default value is 2.