Installation and Operation Manual 30
7.5.3 Firmware
ARM Edition:
DSP Edition:
This interface displays edition No. of
firmware such as ARM and DSP in
inverter. UP/DOWN button is invalid,
ENTER button is invalid; and press ESC
button to return back the inquiry interface
(refer to 7.5).
7.5.4 RECORD
-----Rec( 35)-----
Date: 2011-10-21
Time: 16:35:26
This interface displays record and its
occurring time, including two types of
fault and warning alarm, its content will
be described in codes, with total number
of 500 at utmost, after exceeding this
extent, the one with earliest time will be
covered. Press UP/DOWN button to look
over record backwards or frontward, and
press ENTER to enter into explanation
interface for corresponding record
content, as shown in the following
Figure. Press ESC to return back inquiry
interface (refer to 7.5).
High voltage of
commercial power
This interface is used for Description for
the recorded codes. UP/DOWN button is
invalid, and ENTER is also invalid; press
ESC button to return back to the last