8 Trouble-shooting
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F G H Possible cause
- Speed too low
- Operation with frequency inverter
- Operation without frequency inverter
- Increase voltage/frequency at the frequency
inverter in the permissible range.
- Check voltage.
✘ ✘
- Defective bearing(s)
✘ ✘
Flow rate is too low.
Increase the minimum flow rate.
- Wear of internal components
Replace worn components by new ones.
- Pump back pressure lower than specified
in the purchase order
Re-adjust to duty point.
- Density or viscosity of fluid handled
higher than stated in purchase order
Contact the manufacturer.
- Use of unsuitable materials
Change the material combination.
- Speed too high
Reduce speed.
- Tie bolts/sealing element defective
Fit new sealing element between volute
casing and discharge cover.
Re-tighten the bolts.
- Worn shaft seal
Fit new shaft seal.
- Score marks or roughness on shaft
protecting sleeve / shaft sleeve
Replace shaft protecting sleeve/shaft sleeve.
Replace shaft seal.
Check balancing line.
Check throttling bush/throttling sleeve
- Lack of cooling liquid or dirty cooling
Increase cooling liquid quantity.
Clean out cooling chamber.
Purify/clean cooling liquid.
- Pump back pressure lower than specified
in the purchase order
Re-adjust to duty point.
- Vibrations during pump operation
Correct the suction conditions.
Re-align the pump set.
Re-balance the impeller.
Increase pressure at the pump suction nozzle.
✘ ✘
- The pump set is misaligned.
Re-align the pump set.
- Insufficient or excessive quantity of
lubricant or unsuitable lubricant.
Top up, reduce or change lubricant.
- Operating voltage too low
Increase the voltage.
Check voltage drop in the power cable.
- Rotor out of balance
Clean rotor.
Re-balance rotor.