GEN2 M30 UHF Serial-J1939 Manual – Rev. 1.15
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Kronotech S.r.l. (Kronotech) reserves the right to make changes to its products
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Kronotech provides customer assistance in various technical areas, but does
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customer applications or product or software design or performance relating to
systems or applications incorporating Kronotech products. In addition,
Kronotech assumes no liability and is not responsible for infringement of
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parties, which may result from assistance provided by Kronotech. Kronotech
products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted to be suitable for
life support applications or any other life critical applications that could involve
potential risk of death, personal injury or severe property or environmental
damage. With the edition of this document, all previous editions become void.
Indications made in this manual may be changed without previous notice.
Composition of the information in this manual has been done to the best of our
knowledge. Kronotech does not guarantee the correctness and completeness of
the details given in this manual and may not be held liable for damages
ensuing from incorrect or incomplete information. Since, despite all our efforts,
errors may not be completely avoided, we are always grateful for your useful
tips. The installation instructions given in this manual are based on
advantageous boundary conditions. Kronotech does not give any guarantee
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Safety Instructions / Warning - Read before start-up!
The device may only be used for the intended purpose designed by the
manufacturer. The operation manual should be conveniently kept
available at all times for each user.
Unauthorized changes and the use of spare parts and additional devices
that have not been sold or recommended by the manufacturer may
cause fire, electric shocks or injuries. Such unauthorized measures shall
exclude any liability by the manufacturer.