Check Interval
Time between checks for new updates (in hours)
Update URL
URL of server containing updates
Configure the GPRS (mobile data) network. Select from a preconfigured list or
enter your mobile networks details in the relevant boxes.
8.8 Network Page
Enter details to configure the primary network connection. Settings are available
for both IPV4 and IPV6.
The debug port available for direct connection is non-configurable
8.9 Log Files Page (Advanced mode only)
The log file page is only displayed in advanced mode. This provides log file
output for all the main services running on the device and can be used to
diagnose issues.
8.10 Advanced Mode
An option to enable and disable ‘Advanced Mode’ is available from the options
menu. Advanced mode allows for the display and editing of some additional
details that are only required by advanced users.
8.10.1 Provisioning the Device
A provisioned device will be connected to the SIGMA network. All devices should
arrive already provisioned, but this can also be completed in advanced mode if
To provision a device, the user must first ensure that the device and PC/laptop
being used are connected to the same network as described in Section 8.1. The
user can then undertake the following steps:
1. On the Stat
ic Admin software, click on the “Configuration” tab.
2. Type in the serial number of the device and be sure to save the changes.
If the serial number is not able to be edited, ensure that you are working
in advanced mode and try again.
Click “Provision Device”.