VTX-C is always coming
to the surface of the pool,
possibly drawing in air:
• Check that the Smart-Skim (see
page 7) or Auto Skim valve (see
page 12) is installed correctly.
• Check that there are no large
leaves blocking the Smart-Skim
valve and creating excess vacuum.
• Check the hose weights are fitted
correctly and readjust if necessary.
• Check your pump isn’t too large
for your pools needs.
Consult a pool professional.
You may be able to adjust your
pump speed or upgrade your
skimmer box to a combined
Auto Skim and Vacuum Plate.
How to unkink or uncoil
your hose
Option 1
- The easiest method is to lay it
flat by the pool for a few hours on
a hot day (above 28ºC).
Option 2
- If the weather is cooler, lay the
hose out straight and fill it with
warm (50-60ºC) not boiling water.
Roll the water backwards and
forwards until the hose warms up
and uncoils. Empty the warm water
and then pour cold water through
the hose – either manually or by
attaching one end to the pump.
Option 3
- If option 1 or 2 is not possible
simply rotate every 2nd length
180˚ to reduce the kinks.
For more detailed troubleshooting advice please don’t
hesitate to contact your helpful local dealer, or check our online
resources for tips and other information:
When removing your hose from the pool break it down into
1m or 2m lengths and store flat. This will assist in stopping kinking
and coiing, which impacts performance.