Settings and flying
92 mm – 95 mm from wing leading edge measured next to the wing root.
I strongly recommend to use 92 mm for first flight. Setting your CG exactly is very important!
Control throws
Consider these as rough starting point, the season ended before I had time to fine tune the settings
and play with flight modes.
Tail: up 12 mm, down 12 mm
Aileron: up 15 mm, down 8 mm
Landing/crow: flap full down, ail 6 mm up, elev 2 mm down
Template for tail zero position
You can print this template, cut it out of the paper and use it for setting zero position of the tail.
After printing it should measure 92 mm.
Wings to fuselage attachment
Joiner rods on the fuselage have diameter of 8 mm, carbon spars in wings have inner diameter of 10
mm. To attach wing to the fuselage slide wing on joiner rods all the way in until small fork on the
fuselage engages with pin on the wing root cap. This way of wing securing allows wing to detach
during rough landing.
Happy flying