Once the fireplace heater insert has been properly installed and connected to a ground
electrical outlet, it is ready to operate.
Ensure the circuit breakers for the power supply are turned on.
The controls are located behind the grill below front glass and can be accessed by pulling the
grill up from the top, forward and down.
Lift front grill to access the switches.
1. The round dial on the far left is the thermostat that automatically turns the heaters on and
off to maintain a constant temperature. Turn the thermostat dial to the right to increase the
desired temperature and the left to lower it. Once the room reaches the desired temperature,
turn the thermostat dial counter-clockwise until you hear a click. Leave in this position to
maintain the room temperature at its current setting.
2. The switch on the left turns the heater on at 1500 watts. Press this switch while the
ON/OFF switch and the 750W switch are in the on position for high heat. The indicator light
will turn on.
3. The middle switch turns the heater on at 750 watts. Press this switch while the ON/OFF
switch is in the on position for low heat. The indicator light will turn on.
4. The right switch is the main power switch “ON/OFF”. Press this button for main power and
flame effect. The indicator light will turn on.
5. The round dial on the right adjusts the intensity of the simulated flame effect. Turn this dial
until desired flame effect is reached.