Calculation of volume:
To find the volume of a room, measure the height, the width
and the length of the room and save each measure in a
different memory (see “Saving a measure”), then press VOL.
FEET 3 or METER3, VOLUMEN and the result of the calculated
volume is displayed.
Calculation of area:
1.) Measure the width and the length of the room and store the
values in M1 and M2 (see “Saving a measure”).
2.) Press AREA; M1 and M2, METER2 or FEET2 and AREA and
the result of the calculated area appears.
Add/subtract stored measures
1.) Measure 2 dimensions in a room and store the measures in
M1 and M2 memories (see “Saving a measure”)
2.) Press ALL MEMORY CLEAR (clearing of memory).
3.) Press +, M1, +, M2, then + for adding the measures, or +,
M1, -, M2, then + for subtracting them. The calculated value
is displayed.
4.) For clearing the display and carrying out another
measurement, press ALL MEMORY CLEAR
(clearing of memory).