Play single : choose a department , click on the partition of the entire broadcasting sector to play audio files .
Play group: Select a sound, click alone Collection and play the contents of the selected audio player Collection and play in real time .
Broad single: audio input in real time on the way to collect and store the collected files in c: \ record inside .
Monitor: If sound bound video, click on the video , you can see the current sound of the monitor screen .
( Refer to bind video broadcasting system is fully described in the document " Camera Management " chapter )
Bridge talking : Select the desired split over the sound , and then click the demolition talk to forcibly demolished over the phone for
calls .
Monitor: Sound choice is arbitrary call , click to listen , you can achieve broadcast soft phone, monitor conversations selected sound .
Strong hanging : Click strongly linked to forcibly terminate the ongoing call or audio broadcasts .
Stop play : Click this button to stop the ongoing broadcast audio .
Broad group : Choose a department , click on the partition propaganda , propaganda can be for the entire sector .
Intercom group : choose a department , click on the intercom partition , the entire department to achieve a dialogue between
people .
( Propaganda : the dispatcher talking, sound passive listening , unable to speak the intercom : namely, scheduling and people talk to
each other between sets )
Finish: Click the end , can end being Collection and play functions.
record: Click on the recording , you can now call any audio recording .( Audio file available in a broadcast system "Record Search" to
view )