Internet Protocol
Select internet protocol check box to enable
IPv4 or IPv6 protocol using.
SIP Transport Protocol
Select the SIP Transport Protocol type from the drop-down list for using. There are three types of
Internet Protocol (IP) traffic. They are Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Transport Layer Security
(TLS), and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). To ensure proper connection, verify if all calling parties are
using the same transport protocol. By default, it is set to UDP.
TCP is connection oriented. Once a
connection is established, data can be sent
UDP is a simpler, connectionless Internet
protocol. Multiple messages are sent as
packets in chunks using UDP.
TLS provides communications security
over a computer network. Major web sites use
TLS to secure all communications between
their servers and web browsers.
SIP Port
Change this value only if you use specific
settings in your network system. By default, the
SIP port is set to 5060.