UAB KOMFOVENT we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice
To ensure correct VAV mode operation after sensors installation such settings must be done:
1. After electric power has been supplied to the not switched on unit it is recommended to set each sensor to
initial (zero) position. To do that „ZERO“ button located inside the sensor must be pressed for about 8s (AHU
must be stopped at the moment of initialization).
Settings jumper
“ZERO” button
Pic. 4. Pressure sensors settings
2. Set jumpers located inside the sensor to required pressure range.
Pressure ranges:
3. Set constant air volume control mode („CAV“).
4. Switch on the air handling unit.
5. When the operating unit air flow will reach nominal value (100%), voltage (DC) between 2 and 3 contacts of
pressure sensors (see Pic.4) must be measured by digital multimeter. The voltage must be in range of 3..9V
(recommended – 6V). If voltage is out of range other pressure range must be chosen with jumpers.
Sensor pressure range can be also set without referring to the descriptions presented
above. In order to do that special device for measuring maximum pressure in the ducts
must be used.