6.9 Velocity Mode (Application class 1)
In this mode, the drive is controlled via a primary set point (speed set point). The speed con-
trol is completely in the drive controller.
The field bus is merely the transmission medium between the automation system and the
drive controller. The Cyclic Data Exchange Communication Service is used.
This example demonstrates enabling the drive and executing motion in velocity mode using
standard telegram 1. This means that the master needs to send 32 bits (16 control word and
16 velocity command) and read back 32 bits (16 status word and 16 velocity feedback)
1. Send control word bits as follows to move the state machine to S1:
0000_0100_0111_0000. Velocity command can be zero (it is ignored at this phase)
2. Send control word bits as follows to move the state machine to S2:
0000_0100_0111_0110. Velocity command can be zero (it is ignored at this phase)
3. Send control word bits as follows to move the state machine to S3:
0000_0100_0111_0111. Velocity command can be zero (it is ignored at this phase)
4. Send control word bits as follows to move the state machine to S4 and enable the drive:
0000_0100_0111_1111. Velocity command is used now, set it to 0x00A3 (1 rps)
Kollmorgen | December 2014