Atollspeed Touch Screen Series
– Original Instructions
This document is property of Kolb Huizhou Ltd.
Preheat Temperature T1/T2
Atollspeed has a preheat temperature T1 to which to oven heats up when it is switched on. This takes
about 10 minutes. Then the oven keeps this temperature until it is turned off again. If a baking program
with different Temperatures is started the oven follows the set temperatures and returns to the preheat
temperature after wards. In general it is recommended to bake all products in a temperature range of
about +/- 10 ºC. Due to the fast baking time bigger changes have little effect, since the tray and the well
insulated baking chamber need some time to adjust temperature. To control convection power it is
much more effective to adjust impingement air speed since it has instant effect and is reproducible.
This preheat temperature T1 can be adjusted in User settings.
Additionally the oven has a secondary temperature T2. With the T1/T2 toggle
button in the top right corner of the screen you can change between those
two preheat temperatures any time. Press the button for one second to
This is useful if you want to reduce/ increase the preheat temperature quickly without entering the
For example if you bake lower temperature breakfast items in the morning and pizza during lunch time
you can set T1 to 240 ºC and T2 to 280 ºC. So when the oven is turned on in the morning it heats to
240 ºC automatically. At 11 o’clock when the breakfast business is over you can press T1/T2 toggle
button for one second to switch to T2, then the oven heats to 280 ºC and is ready for the lunchtime
business with just one click.
To disable this function set T1 and T2 to the same value in user settings, so changing between T1/T2
has no effect.
The preset temperature is 270 ºC, which is suitable for most products.
If your focus is mainly on Pizza
– type products you get better results with 280 ºC
If your focus is in very sensitive or dense products you might want to reduce temperature.
If you do not want hot air you can set the temperature to 20 ºC and only use the microwave function.
The catalytic filter for filtering smells and grease only works at high temperatures. It is recommended to
use at least 270ºC.
Set Time
If you have not worked with the oven before typical baking times are
0:30 for reheating pastries and light products.
1:00 for Sandwiches or over baking with cheese
2:15 for frozen pizza
4:00 for meat, potatoes, lasagna, pies, dense products
These are only very rough values. Depending on the amount and ingredients of the food times can be
very different. For more detailed recipes, please refer to Atollspeed Cook Book.