Maximum Speed (MXS)
While in MXS Mode, press the left key for 3 seconds, MXS value will revert to
“0”, as well as the value of DST, AVS, TM. Press the right key to enter into (AVS)
Average Speed (AVS)
While in AVS mode, press the left key for 3 seconds. AVS values will revert to ‘0’,
as well as the value of DST, MXS, TM. Press the right key to enter the (TM) mode.
Elapsed Time (TM)
This mode shows the accumulative total time from the last reset time. Records
range from 0:00:00 ~ 99:59:59. Records will revert to “0” when the value overruns
the max number. Meanwhile DST, MAX and AVS records will be cleared too.
While in TM mode, press the left key for 3 seconds. TM records will be cleared, as
well as DST, MXS, AVS values. Press the right key to enter into (SCAN) Mode.
In this mode, the screen will display DST, MXS, AVS, TM in sequence.
AUTO OFF – Energy Saving Mode
After 300 seconds of no signal input, the computer/screen will revert to its 'OFF'
state with only the clock visible on the display. You may return the device to
normal operation by pressing any key.
Current Speed
This value will always be displayed on-screen. Speed values will range from 0~99.9
“+” and “—” Comparison
“+” or “-” will display on the screen in the upper right corner. “+” will indicate when the current
speed is higher than average speed recorded, whereas “-” will indicate when the current speed is
slower than average speed recorded.
Sample Cycling Mode
While in any mode, sampling mode will be initiated when you press the left key. The screen will
display the time of the ride (TM). Press the right key to scan the value you have sampled: (DST)
- (TM) - (AVS) - (MXS). Press the left key to exit Sampling mode.
Reset all Values
Press the left and right key simultaneously for three seconds to clear and reset all the values.
Using the Two Keys
Press the right key to select the following: ODO, DST, MXS, AVS, TM, SCAN, Clock.
All of the modes, with the exception of Sampling Mode, do not make use of the left key. When
you enter into the Sampling Mode, it can show several sampled values via use of the right key.
Press the left key again to exit Sampling Mode.