Checking the product
FM0101/0102/0103/0105/0107 is shipped after thoroughly inspected by our company. Be sure to check
the following points:
1. Visually check the unit for any damage.
2. You will see type name, basic specifications, and product No. marked on the nameplate seal on the
case top.
Confirm that the specifications are as ordered.
Cautions in handling
(1) Select a storage place to satisfy the following conditions.
Place not exposed to rain and water.
Place free from vibration and impact.
Temperature and humidity should be as follows. Preferably ordinary temperature (25
Temperature: -10 to 60
5 to 95%RH
Place free from corrosive gas.
(2) The product should be kept in the same package as shipped from our company.
(3) If measured fluid remains in the tube hole after used once, it should be cleaned completely
before storing.
II. Installation place
Pay attention to the following points so that this flow meter can be used safely and accurately over a
long period of time.
(1) The applicable fluid of this instrument should be liquid, and industrial water in conformity with
pure water/tap water.
(2) Avoid the use at a place subject to direct sunlight or radiant heat. If it must be used at such a
place, sufficient shielding/insulating should be done.
(3) Avoid installation under corrosive gas atmosphere.
(4) This instrument is of splash proof structure (JIS C 0920) but rain or water must be avoided.
(5) It should be installed at a place with less vibration or impact.
(6) Near electromagnetic noise source, malfunction may occur, and it should be installed away from
it or magnetic shield should be provided.
(7) Secure a long straight tube length as much as possible to avoid the effect of turbulent or
pulsating flow.
Recommended value of the straight tube length is 10D for the upstream portion and 5D or more
for the downstream portion.
D = diameter of piping
(8) The flow direction should be in agreement with the arrow mark direction of the main body