Page 16
Version 01-2009
3 Operation
In order to avoid machine damages or life-threatening injuries during commissioning of the ma-
chine, the following points must be absolutely observed.
You must have read and understood:
the operator manual according to the engine manufacturer,
the respective operator manuals for each too1attachment,
Operator manual for
-2-wheel tractor,
In particular chapter 1, safety and protective devices.
You may not operate the
-2-wheel tractor before doing so.
The following points must be checked before the initial start-up:
Check of engine oil - see operator manual of the engine manufacturer,
Check of gear oil,
Check of all safety devices,
Check if there is enough fuel in the fuel tank,
Check all screws and operator parts of the basic and attachment devices for tightness.
Remove all tools and foreign parts from the machine.
Set the shaft to body size and intended purpose.
Exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide!
Inhaling causes very serious poisoning which can be fatal.
During the first 20 operating hours (warm-up time) do not run the engine to the limit of its power
After approx. 10 operating hours check all screws and operator parts of the basic and attachment
devices for tightness.
Activated traction drive and gear box can roll over you and cause serious injuries.
When starting the engine, the traction drive and gear box must be decoupled.
Do not step in the vicinity of the coupled implement.
When starting the tractor, please observe:
Press down the safety start lever with your left hand and pull the clutch. Now you can press
in the interlock with your right hand until it latches - see figure 2, page 12. Please observe
the respective operator manual of the engine manufacturer when starting the engine - start
according to the operator manual of the manufacturer.
When the engine is running, bring the gas lever slowly into the middle position and allow the
engine to warm up briefly. Push the CHOKE-lever slowly back into the operating position - if it
was pulled.
For this, also see the operator manual of the engine manufacturer.
In the case of a diesel engine, the starting device should be followed according to the engine