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DCS Firmware Read Me

DCS3xxa.BIN Version 3.0.10
January 10, 2000

This firmware supports the following:
**Warning**  This version of firmware has been developed for, and can be used only in, the DCS 330 digital
camera, and cannot be loaded into the DCS 315 camera.  DCS 315 users should continue to use firmware version
1.3.2, which is available on the World Wide Web.

The following information is available in this ReadMe file:


Note To Users


New Features


Changes since version 1.6.2


Compatible DCS Host Software


Known Issues


Firmware Installation Instructions


Memory Card Compatibility


Camera Firmware is available on the World Wide Web

Notes To Users

This version of firmware brings a new look and feel to the camera’s User Interface (UI). In addition to many new
features, it offers easier and more efficient access to many key functions, better organization of the Main Menu and
Properties settings, and allows room for the addition of future features.

If you’re familiar with previous firmware versions, you may find the new UI to be slightly different.   Our extensive
customer research, which assessed the impact on users migrating from previous firmware versions, indicates you
should allow a reasonable amount of time to adjust to the new UI’s features.  Beta testing has provided extremely
positive feedback once users have familiarized themselves with the UI.

New Features


A redesigned, more efficient User Interface which features Dropdown menus.


Use the Dropdown Menu Lag to adjust Menu dropdown delay as needed.  You my find this helpful as you
become familiar with the new UI.


Dual Card Support
Increases storage capacity by allowing you to use two storage cards inside in the camera. (See Memory Card
Compatibility for more information).


Custom White Balance
Both the in-camera Custom White Balance and the Custom White Balance options can be accessed directly from
the White Balance menu. When selecting the Custom White Balance option, releasing the Select button displays
the “Use image?” screen.  This screen will allow you to apply Custom White Balance off a subject (often a 18%
Grey card).  Choosing the "Option" button on this screen will allow the user to load a Host Software White
Balance file from a storage card into the camera’s memory.   The camera’s memory will hold up to 10 White
Balance files created with DCS Host Software, allowing the user to select among them until they are deleted
from the camera’s memory.  Please refer to the DCS Host Software user manual PDF file for further information
on creating Custom White Balance files to the Kodak DCS cameras.


Image processing options.
Post capture image processing can be done by the camera or by the DCS Host Software without compromising
your valuable Lossless original Raw Tiff files.  In addition to saving processed files, users can now choose to
