Trouble Shooting
6.1 Replenishment pump does not pump sufficiently
6.2 Replenishment rates are too high or too low
The replenishment rate can be changed by adjusting the stroke of the pump.
To do this, the eccentric on the replenishment pump must be adjusted. Maxi-
mum pump capacity is 240 ml/min.
6.3 Adjust replenishment pump
For the adjustment of the eccentric first open the allan screw on the big
eccentric with the red line. If screw is not reachable, then start the replenish-
ment pump by turning the temperature knob to “Manual pumping” until the
allen screw is visible.
Turn the eccentric so that the red line will be at the desired position and
tighten the allen screw.
7.1 Dryer fan does not function or runs with reduced speed
Check the fan wiring: bl = blue; bk = black; br = brown.
If the fan is connected improperly, then the fan runs only half power.
8.1 Rinsing water does not flow
Water pressure in the water system is too low: Minimum pressure 2 bar (20
Valve activates, no flow passage - filter at inflow is blocked.
Check green water inlet hose inside the machine.
8.2 Water tank overflows
Water drainage hose (overflow) should have a constant fall. The hose end
should be positioned above the drainage level in the syphon.
Check water drainage in the tank and hose for dirt, algae, or blockage.
When extreme algae growth is registered, the overflow can be connected
directly onto the fitting of the water tank.
Check filter in the suction pipe (replenishment container) and clean it if neces-
Replenishment pump sucks air in. Check hoses and connections.
Check eccentric position. Capacity approx. 240 ml/min at setting 85%.
Activate the “Manual pumping” and while on, check the voltage of connection
X2 on the power circuit board. If no voltage can be registered - exchange
power circuit board.
Minimum setting must not be below 60%.
Clean valve inside connection tube.
Install valve insert correctly: Pay attention to flow-through di-