Trouble Shooting
Developer Bath
4.1 No circulation in bath
Circulation pump works but no circulation in bath: Air lock in heating and circu-
lation system. Ventilate the circulation pump. See Page 8 in the Operator Man-
ual, 1F8039.
Particles in the pump chamber. The pump chamber can be easily opened by
removing the four clips. When closing again ensure that the rubber seal is
positioned correctly and not damaged.
Check connection of pump, circulation pump possibly defective.
4.2 Developer temperature too high
Check attachment of temperature sensor. This should be firmly positioned on
tube and completely covered with foam rubber.
Check sensor: At ambient temperature voltage between pin 3 (green) and
pin 2 (brown) must be between 0.1 and 0.5 V.
If the sensor has no fault then circuit board is defective.
Heat Exchanger and
Temperature Sensor