KOBRA SERIE TS 245/260/270/310 Manuale
All models KOBRA 245/260/270/310TS come equipped with
the following automatic functions.
- PHOTO CELLS (3) or (3A) to start up the machine
automatically as soon as any sheets of paper or optical
media are inserted into the throat of the machine (2) or (2A).
- AUTOMATIC STOP when bag is full or door is open signalled
by illuminated optical indicator (9) or (10) on control panel.
- MOTOR SAVE which stops the machine working if it
overheats. (If the motor saver comes on,the machine rests
for at least 10/15 minutes after which time the device
restarts automatically).
- AUTOMATIC RETURN anti-jam system in case of accidental
insertion of paper in axcess of the maximum capacity of
the model, cuts off power to the motor and then puts the
machine into reverse for a few seconds in order to free the
cutting rollers.
- ENERGY SMART SYSTEM once 8 seconds have passed since
the last shredding,the machine goes on automatic STAND-
BY with zero power consumption as indicated by the light (1)
on the control panel.After four hours of not being used,the
machine automatically shuts down the mains power supply.
The shredders in the KOBRA 260/270/310TS range need no
special maintenance.However it is recommended to oil the
cutting knives with the KOBRA oil supplied with the machine
as soon as the warning light (5) comes on to ensure efficient
shredding and prolong the life of the cutting blades.
(KOBRA 245TS/260TS)
Cutting knives should be lubricated every 15 minutes of
operation to maintain rated cutting capacity.
Fire hazard
NEVER use synthetic oil, benzene based products or aerosol
lubricants of any kind inside or in the vicinity of the machine.
The shredders in the KOBRA 245TS, 260TS, 270TS and
310TS particle cut and HS High Security series can be
fitted on request with a special built-in AUTOMATIC OILER
system (which come as standard on the KOBRA 310TS HS)
eliminating the need for manual oiling of cutting knives.
Models fitted with the AUTOMATIC OILER are delivered
together with a 1 Litre oil container.
When the machine has been taken out of the packaging,
position the machine head on the cabinet, insert the pipe
(17) into the connector (14). Take the oil container supplied
with the machine, unscrew the seal cap and discard, insert
the oil pipe (13) and tighten the cap completely (16).
Once the machine has been pluggen in to the mains power
supply,press the ON/OFF button (O),the light bar(P) comes
on and the machine is ready to use.
For the first few minutes,the warning light (5) fig.3 might be
flashing because the oil feeder pipe is not yet completely
speed up the process and switch off the OIL warning light
(5) run the machine empty for 3 or 4 minutes by keeping the
FORWARD button (7) fig.3 pressed down.Now your shredder
is ready with oiled cutting blades.
The OIL warning light (5) fig.3 flashes to warn that there is
no oil the container.
Open the lid.
Remove the empty oil container (15) from its housing,unscrew
the lid (16) on the top of the container and remove the oil
hose (13).
Provide yourself with a new oil container, unscrew the seal
and dispose of it,insert the oil hose and tighten the lid (16).
Replace the new oil container (15) in its housing and close
the lid. Now your document shredder is ready for use again
with oiled cutting blades.
WARNING!! For the first few minutes,the warning light (5)
fig.3 might be flashing because the oil feeder pipe is not yet
completely full.To speed up the process you can activate the
electronic eyes (3) or (3A) and run the machine empty for at
least 3 or 4 minutes at a strtch or else keep the FORWARD
button (7) pressed down.
fIg.6 , fIg.7
All cross cut and High Security models can be equipped on
request with a dedicated patented Automatic Feeder which
accepts approximately up to 170 sheets A4 70 gr.
To operate the Automatic Feeder the sheets of paper must
be inserted into the feeder (12) and pushed all the way down
as shown in Fig.5.
Start the shredding by touching the FORWARD button (7)
when the led (15) flashes.
The machine will stop automatically after the last sheet has
been shredded.
The Automatic Feeder is equipped with a special Anti-
Jamming System.
In case the following is inserted into the Feeder (12):
- Folder or crumpled paper
- Multiple stapled sheets
- Sheets with clips
- Glossy paper or Paper heavier than 80 gr sqm
- A higher number of sheets than the allowed number of
150/170 sheets
The Anti Jamming System will stop the operation of the
To continue shredding, remove the material from the feeder
an make sure that the quality of paper re-inserted into the
feeder can be accepted by the system.
ATTENTION: The operator should consider as a guideline to
evaluate the quality of paper to be shredded that the
Automatic Feeder is based on a similar technology of the
drawers installed in office copy machines.