KDC100 Programming Manual
KoamTac KDC100 command set is provided to developers who wish to control the scanner and resulting data
from within their application.
KDC100 has 200K bytes flash memory where it stores the read barcodes. Its capacity, in terms of number of
barcodes, depends on the size of barcodes. Barcodes are stored sequentially as they are scanned in the internal
flash memory. The maximum number of stored barcodes is 10,240 with 200K byte limitation.
KDC100 stores the read barcodes in the internal flash memory as the following data format:
C0 Y0 D0 T0 C1 Y1 D1 T1 .
Cn Yn Dn Tn
C0, C1,…, Cn : Total number of each barcode data(1 byte)
Y0,Y1,…, Yn : Type of each barcode(1 byte)
D0,D1,…,Dn : Actual barcode data of each barcode(variable size)
T0, T1,…,Tn : Timestamp of each barcode(4 bytes)
Barcodes are stored sequentially as they are scanned in the internal flash memory. Since barcodes can have
different lengths, we need to keep track of length information as well. For each barcode we first store the length
of barcode plus 1 (1 byte), then the barcode type (1 byte), and then the barcode value (without the string
terminator ‘\0’).
The timestamp field has 6 sub-fields as follows:
Seconds (6 bits)
Minutes (6 bits)
Hours (5 bits)
Days (5 bits)
Months (4 bits)
Years (6 bits)
Note: The base year is 2000. It means the year is 2000 if Years field is 0.