Chirp 3260 Hardware Installation Manual
Int / Ext Rx Switch
The Internal (Int) or External (Ext) Receive (Rx) switch will toggle whether the receive signal is obtained from the
Chirp 3260 or from an external source (used in conjunction with the Ext Rx Input).
Ext Rx Input
If the Chirp 3260 Int/Ext Switch is placed in Ext (External) mode than the external receive signal should be
connected to this BNC.
Analog Output
The Analog Output BNC provides a 5V analog signal referenced to circuit/chassis ground. This is the received
signal from the transducer after preamplification, analog gain and anti-alias bandpass filtering, immediately prior
to digitization. It is provided for diagnostic use during maintenance and service only.
Sync In / Out
The Sync In BNC connection can be used to sync the Chirp 3260 outgoing ping with another device. Under the
System Menu of the EchoControl Client you will find an option to change the Sync Mode from Internal to
External. Once set to External the system will look for a high-to-low-to-high transition with a low cycle hold time
of at least 1ms but less than 50ms (min ping rate) on the Sync In BNC located on the system connector panel. The
echosounder transmit will occur on the rising edge on the sync signal. With the Sync Mode set to Internal the Sync
Out BNC provides a similar signal an each ping interval.
USB Interface
The USB interface provides communication to and from the Chirp 3260 and the host PC. It is a full speed 2.0
(12Mbps) connection. It mates with a standard “B” type USB cable.
Part Number: USBBFTV22N
Mating Cable: D219-05424 (provided with shipment)
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