2. Raise the blade arbor (4) to the maximum height by turning
the blade handwheel counterclockwise. (Fig.7)
3. Place the open-end wrench jaws (8) on the flats of the saw ar-
bor to keep the arbor from turning and place the box-end wrench
(9) on the arbor nut (5), and turn counterclockwise. (Fig.8)
4. Remove the arbor nut (5) and flange (6). (Fig.7)
5. Install the saw blade onto the arbor with the blade teeth
pointing toward the front of the saw.
6. Install the flange (6) against the blade and thread the arbor
nut (5) as far as possible by hand. Ensure that the blade is
flush against the inner side of the blade flange. (Fig.7)
NOTE: Make sure all parts are clean before assembling.
To avoid possible injury and damage to the work-
piece, install the blade with the teeth pointing to-
ward the front of table in the direction of the rota-
tion arrow on the blade guard.
7. To tighten the arbor nut (5), place the open-end wrench
jaws (8) on the flats of the saw arbor to keep the arbor from
turning. (Fig. 8)
8. Place the box-end wrench (9) on the arbor nut (5), and turn
clockwise (to the rear of the saw table). (Fig.8)
9. Replace the blade insert in the table recess. Insert the
screws through the front and rear holes, remembering the
rubber spacer is under the rear of the insert. Tighten the rear
screw until insert is level or slightly above the table surface.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
1. Set the blade to maximum height and the tilt to zero de-
grees on the bevel scale with the handwheel. Lock the blade
bevel lock knob.
2. Place the spring washer (2), flat washer (3), external tooth
lock washer (4) onto the blade guard mounting bolt (1) (Fig. 9).
3. Insert bolt and washer assembly through splitter bracket (5).
To avoid injury from a thrown workpiece, blade parts
or blade contact, never operate saw without the
proper insert in place. Use the original table insert
when performing all through-sawing operations. Use
a dado table insert (not included) when performing
all non-through-sawing operations.
Fig. 9
4. Place the oval washer (6) on the pivot rod (7) (Fig. 10).
5. Install the blade guard splitter and bracket assembly into
the rear of the saw table. Thread the bolt (1) into the internally
threaded pivot rod until snug.
NOTE: The blade guard and splitter is removed from the il-
lustration for clarity.
Blade Guard
Fig. 10
6. Lift blade guard arm (8) up and using a straight edge, align
the blade guard splitter (9) with the saw blade (10) (Fig. 11).
7. Shift the splitter bracket assembly right or left until parallel
alignment to the blade is achieved.