Installation & Operation Manual:
Automated Forklift Entryway Sanitizing System
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P a g e
Unpack the entire contents and inspect to ensure all components shown on page 4
“Package Contents” are included.
Open the battery and charger packaging. Place one
battery on the charger to begin charging.
Review the vehicle this unit will be installed on and determine which location is desired
for placement of the one-gallon sanitizer jug rack. The jug rack can be attached by either
the bottom mount magnets or the side mount magnets. Keep in mind that the jug rack
can be moved to facilitate inspections and maintenance. You may want to identify a
location that is the best fit during use, such as inside the ROP upright and another during
inspection, such as outside the ROP upright.
Figure 1
Figure 2
The jug rack includes a safety cable that prevents the unit from falling to the ground if it is
accidentally knocked off the vehicle. This safety cable will need to be attached to the vehicle
roughly 18 inches above the jug rack. This will allow about 5 inches of slack in the cable. The
safety cable and clip are visible in figures 2 and 3. If you plan to use alternate locations for the
jug rack, make sure there is enough slack in the cable to allow movement to each of the
alternate locations.
Attach the clip using the supplied large plastic cable tie. Route the cable tie through the small
closed end of the clip and secure it around the upright or other object (figure 4). Ensure the
cable clip gate is easily accessible as the loop end of the cable will need to be removed from
the clip each time the jug is replaced.